
  • na.be most perfectly fulfilled both in love and duty
  • 网络exercise great restraint and do one's very best; do our best; do what by humanity and duty



exercise great restraint and do one's very best

翻译词汇|口译词汇·... ... 仁至义尽 exercise great restraint and do one's very best 认真执行 conscientiously carry out ...

most perfectly fulfilled both in love and duty

... 仁义道德[ justice and virtue] 仁至义尽[ most perfectly fulfilled both in love and duty] 沙文主义[ chauvinism] ...

do our best

英语谚语 附上其来历 英语介绍_百度知道 ... 全心全意 heart and soul 仁至义尽 do our best 三思而行 look before you leap ...

do what by humanity and duty

到位,面子,人情,够意思,仗义,仁至义尽,落实,... ... 够意思 generous 仁至义尽 do what by humanity and duty 落实 fulfill…

to exercise

英语政治类词汇 - 豆丁网 ... 红色旅游精品路线 choice 仁至义尽 to exercise 拉美国下水 to drag the US into troubled waters ...

with all generous offers made

到位,面子,人情,够意思,仗义,仁... ... 仗义: generous 仁至义尽: with all generous offers made 落实: put to work / in place ...
