- na.The life of a man is like the morning dew.
- 网络Life is a span; La Vida Breve; human life as the morning dew

Life is a span
《人生朝露》(Life is a span)大学生原创DV作品[思路首发][720P][mkv] 《第一回红白梦寐合战》(Red and White)[合辑3][多格式]…
La Vida Breve
...班牙民俗剧(zarzuelas),他的第一部歌剧《人生朝露》(La Vida Breve)(1905)(※DG435-851-2,男高音卡列拉斯),是西班牙 …
human life as the morning dew
Life-and-death | Chinese... ... 点睛之笔 the brush stroke that dots in the eyes 人生朝露 human life as the morning dew ...
art is long
英语谚语500句... ... appearances are deceptive 人不可貌相 art is long,life is short 人生朝露,艺业千秋 as always 一如既往 ...