the last
- adj.最后;最近
- 网络最后的;最后的瞬间;最后一个

the last
1.最后的;最末的;末尾的happening or coming after all other similar things or people
2.[obn]最近的;上一个的most recent
3.[obn]仅剩下的;最终的only remaining
4.(强调)最不可能的,最不适当的used to emphasize that sb/sth is the least likely or suitable
be on your/its last legs
濒临死亡;奄奄一息;行将就木;快不能用了to be going to die or stop functioning very soon; to be very weak or in bad condition
the day, week, month, etc. before last
前天;上上星期;上上月;两天(或两周等)以前the day, week, etc. just before the most recent one; two days, weeks, etc. ago
every last…
(某群体中的)每一个,全部every person or thing in a group
have the last laugh
(在本未指望时)笑在最后,取得最后胜利to be successful when you were not expected to be, making your opponents look stupid
in the last resort
作为最后的一招when there are no other possible courses of action
your/the last gasp
奄奄一息;苟延残喘;临终;垂死the point at which you/sth can no longer continue living, fighting, existing, etc.
the last minute/moment
(重大事情前的)最后一刻,紧要关头the latest possible time before an important event
a/your last resort
最后可依赖的人(或事物)the person or thing you rely on when everything else has failed
the last word (in sth)
最新(或时髦、先进等)的事物the most recent, fashionable, advanced, etc. thing