- n.心;心脏;内心;核心
- v.将…记在心中
- 网络红心;心形;红桃
身体部位part of body
1.[c]心;心脏the organ in the chest that sends blood around the body, usually on the left in humans
2.[c]胸部心脏的部位;胸怀the outside part of the chest where the heart is
3.[c]内心;心肠;(尤指)爱心the place in a person where the feelings and emotions are thought to be, especially those connected with love
4.有…性格(或品格)的having the type of character or personality mentioned
重要部分important part
5.[sing]~ (of sth)重点;核心;要点the most important part of sth
6.[c][ususing]~ (of sth)中心;中央the part that is in the centre of sth
8.[c]心形物;(常指象征爱的)红心;心形(表示动词“爱”)a thing shaped like a heart , often red and used as a symbol of love; a symbol shaped like a heart used to mean the verb ‘love’
纸牌游戏in card games
9.[pl][u](统称)红桃牌,红心牌one of the four sets of cards (called suits ) in a pack/deck of cards, with red heart symbols on them
10.[c](一张)红桃牌,红心牌one card from the set of hearts