- n.头;头部;头脑;负责人
- v.主管;领导;朝(某方向)行进;位于排行之首
- adj.头的;主要的
- 网络海德;磁头;扬程
复数:heads 现在分词:heading 过去式:headed

身体部位part of body
1.[c]头;头部the part of the body on top of the neck containing the eyes, nose, mouth and brain
2.[c]头脑;脑筋the mind or brain
3.[sing](人或动物的)一头长,一头高the size of a person's or animal's head , used as a measurement of distance or height
4.[c][ususing](informal)(持续的)头痛a continuous pain in your head
团体;组织of group/organization
5.[c][u]负责人;领导人the person in charge of a group of people or an organization
学校;学院of school/college
6.[c]校长;院长the person in charge of a school or college
物体一端end of object
8.[c][ususing]~ (of sth)较宽大的一端;头the end of a long narrow object that is larger or wider than the rest of it
9.[sing]~ of sth顶端;上端the top or highest part of sth
桌子of table
11.[sing]the ~ of the table上座(桌子旁最重要的座位)the most important seat at a table
人的行列of line of people
12.[sing]the ~ of sth领头位置;排头the position at the front of a line of people
植物of plant
13.[c]~ (of sth)(茎梗顶端的)叶球,头状花序the mass of leaves or flowers at the end of a stem
动物数量number of animals
17.[pl]~ of sth(表示农场或牧群等的牲畜的数目)头used to say how many animals of a particular type are on a farm, in a herd , etc.
19.[u]口交oral sex(= using the mouth to give sb sexual pleasure)
a/per head
每人for each person
bang/knock your/their heads together
强行制止人们争吵并使之恢复理智to force people to stop arguing and behave in a sensible way
be banging, etc. your head against a brick wall
用头撞墙;徒劳无益;枉费心机to keep trying to do sth that will never be successful
be/stand head and shoulders above sb/sth
比其他人(或事物)好得多;出类拔萃;鹤立鸡群to be much better than other people or things
bite/snap sbs head off
气愤地对某人大喊大叫;(尤指毫无道理地)呵斥某人to shout at sb in an angry way, especially without reason
bring sth to a head|come to a head
(使)事情达到紧要关头,需要当机立断if youbring a situationto a head or if a situationcomes to a head , you are forced to deal with it quickly because it suddenly becomes very bad
bury/hide your head in the sand
采取鸵鸟政策;不正视现实;回避问题to refuse to admit that a problem exists or refuse to deal with it
cant make head nor tail of sth
不理解某事;不明白某事to be unable to understand sth
do sbs head in
使某人困惑(或烦恼、生气)to make you feel confused, upset and/or annoyed
do sth standing on your head
做某事不费吹灰之力to be able to do sth very easily and without having to think too much
from head to foot/toe
从头到脚;遍布全身covering your whole body
get your head down
睡觉to sleep
get your head round sth
能够理解;接受得了to be able to understand or accept sth
give sb their head
让某人随心所欲to allow sb to do what they want without trying to stop them
go head to head (with sb)
(与某人)面对面直接谈判to deal with sb in a very direct and determined way
go to sbs head
上头;使醉to make you feel drunk
have a good head on your shoulders
头脑清醒;理智to be a sensible person
have a head for sth
擅长某事to be good at sth
have your head in the clouds
心不在焉;走神to be thinking about sth that is not connected with what you are doing
have your head screwed on (the right way)
头脑清醒;理智to be a sensible person
head first
头在前;头朝下moving forwards or downwards with your head in front of the rest of your body
head over heels in love
深深爱着某人;迷恋loving sb very much
heads or tails?
(掷硬币作决定时说)正面还是反面used to ask sb which side of a coin they think will be facing upwards when it is tossed in order to decide sth by chance
heads will roll (for sth)
有些人将(为某事)受到惩罚used to say that some people will be punished because of sth that has happened
hold your head high|hold up your head
昂首挺胸;抬起头来to be proud of or not feel ashamed about sth that you have done
in over your head
卷入棘手的事involved in sth that is too difficult for you to deal with
keep/get your head down
避免引起注意;保持低姿态to avoid attracting attention to yourself
keep your head|keep a clear/cool head
(在困境中)保持冷静to remain calm in a difficult situation
keep your head above water
勉强逃脱困境;设法不举债;挣扎求存to deal with a difficult situation, especially one in which you have financial problems, and just manage to survive
laugh, scream, etc. your head off
大笑(或大叫等)to laugh, etc. a lot and very loudly
lose your head
慌乱;昏了头;失去理智to become unable to act in a calm or sensible way
on your (own) head be it
你(自己)必须承担任何后果used to tell sb that they will have to accept any unpleasant results of sth that they decide to do
out of/off your head
over sbs head
超过某人理解力;过于复杂too difficult or complicated for sb to understand
put our/your/their heads together
集体思考(或讨论);集思广益to think about or discuss sth as a group
stand/turn sth on its head
使人完全改变思路;使人从反面思考to make people think about sth in a completely different way
take it into your head to do sth
忽发奇想;心血来潮to suddenly decide to do sth, especially sth that other people think is stupid
take it into your head that…
忽发奇想;突然开始想某事to suddenly start thinking sth, especially sth that other people think is stupid
turn sbs head
使某人得意忘形to make a person feel too proud in a way that other people find annoying
two heads are better than one
两人智慧胜一人used to say that two people can achieve more than one person working alone