bar (
- n.条;酒吧;棒;障碍
- v.禁止;阻挡;拦住;(用铁条或木条)封
- prep.除…外
- abbr.(=Browning automatic rifle)白朗宁自动步枪
- 网络压力;巴;巴尔
复数:bars 过去式:barred 现在分词:barring

bar (
饮食for drinks/food
1.[c]酒吧a place where you can buy and drink alcoholic and other drinks
2.[c](出售饮料等的)柜台;吧台a long wide wooden surface where drinks, etc. are served
3.[c](专售某类饮食的)小吃店,小馆子a place in which a particular kind of food or drink is the main thing that is served
巧克力;肥皂of chocolate/soap
4.[c](长方形)条,块a piece of sth with straight sides
金属;木材of metal/wood
5.[c]长条,棒,栏杆(常用作护栏)a long straight piece of metal or wood. Bars are often used to stop sb from getting through a space.
体育运动in sports
7.[sing](球门的)横梁the crossbar of a goal
颜色;光of colour/light
8.[c]条;带a band of colour or light
障碍that prevents sth
9.[c][ususing]~ (to sth)障碍;羁绊a thing that stops sb from doing sth
音乐in music
10.[c](乐谱的)小节one of the short sections of equal length that a piece of music is divided into, and the notes that are in it
11.[sing]大律师职业(可出席高等法庭)the profession of barrister (= a lawyer in a higher court)
not have a bar of sth
与(某事)无关;与(某事)毫不相干;不沾手to have nothing to do with sth
behind bars
蹲班房;被监禁;坐牢in prison
set the bar
设定标准to set a standard of quality or performance