- n.补丁;小片;眼罩;色斑
- v.修补;打补丁;缝补
- 网络面片;斑块;修补程式
复数:patches 现在分词:patching 过去式:patched

小块small area
1.色斑;斑点;(与周围不同的)小块,小片a small area of sth, especially one which is different from the area around it
小片材料piece of material
2.补丁;补块a small piece of material that is used to cover a hole in sth or to make a weak area stronger, or as decoration
3.眼罩a piece of material that you wear over an eye, usually because the eye is damaged
5.戒烟贴片a piece of material that people can wear on their skin to help them to stop smoking
地块piece/area of land
6.小块土地;(尤指)菜地,果园a small piece of land, especially one used for growing vegetables or fruit
7.(informal)工作地;熟悉的地区;家乡an area that sb works in, knows well or comes from
艰难时刻difficult time
8.(informal)一段(艰难)岁月;一段(痛苦)日子a period of time of the type mentioned, usually a difficult or unhappy one
计算机技术in computing
9.修补(程序);补丁a small piece of code(= instructions that a computer can understand) which can be added to a computer program to improve it or to correct a fault
be not a patch on sb/sth
远不如;远比…逊色to be much less good, attractive, etc. than sb/sth else
(4) 这 6 个方程是在面片(patch)上点 GA 处的法向和切向坐标系中给出的,x 和y 方向 是切向,而z 方向是法向。