- n.记号;成绩;目标;符号
- v.纪念;评分;注意;标示
- 网络马克;标记;标志
复数:marks 现在分词:marking 过去式:marked

1.[t]做记号;做标记to write or draw a symbol, line, etc. on sth in order to give information about it
2.[t][i]~ (sth)留下痕迹;弄污;使有污点to make a mark on sth in a way that spoils or damages it; to become spoilt or damaged in this way
表示方位show position
3.[t]~ sth标明方位;标示to show the position of sth
4.[t]~ sth纪念;庆贺to celebrate or officially remember an event that you consider to be important
标示变化show change
5.[t]~ sth是…的迹象;成为…的征兆;表明to be a sign that sth new is going to happen
打分;给成绩give mark/grade
6.[t][i]~ (sth)给(学生作业)打分,评分,评成绩to give marks to students' work
赋予特征give particular quality
7.[t][usupass]赋予特征;给…确定性质to give sb/sth a particular quality or character
注意pay attention
8.[t]~ sth留心;留意;注意used to tell sb to pay careful attention to sth
体育运动in sport
9.[t]~ sb钉人防守;钉住(对手)to stay close to an opponent in order to prevent them from getting the ball
mark time
等待时机to pass the time while you wait for sth more interesting
mark you
无论如何;尽管如此;反正;然而used to remind sb of sth they should consider in a particular case