- v.跳;跳跃;跨越;激增
- n.跳;跳跃;激增;猛涨
- adj.(爵士音乐中)急拍子的
- 网络跳转;跳出去;转移
第三人称单数:jumps 现在分词:jumping 过去式:jumped

跳move off/to ground
1.[i]跳;跃;跳跃to move quickly off the ground or away from a surface by pushing yourself with your legs and feet
跨跃pass over sth
2.[t]跳过;跃过;跨越to pass over sth by jumping
快速移动move quickly
3.[i]+ adv./prep.突然快速移动to move quickly and suddenly
4.[i](因吃惊、害怕或激动而)猛地一动,突然一跳to make a sudden movement because of surprise, fear or excitement
5.[i]突升;猛涨;激增to rise suddenly by a large amount
突然改变change suddenly
6.[i]~ (about) (from sth to sth)突然改变,突然转换(话题、题目)to change suddenly from one subject to another
略去leave out
7.[t]~ sth略去;略过;跳过to leave out sth and pass to a further point or stage
机器;器具of machine/device
8.[i](+ adv./prep.)突然跳出正常位置;意外地离开正常位置to move suddenly and unexpectedly, especially out of the correct position
9.[t][i](informal)~ (on) sb突然袭击(某人);猛地扑向(某人)to attack sb suddenly
10.[t]~ sth跳上(车辆等)to get on a vehicle very quickly
活泼be lively
11.欢跃;雀跃to be very lively
be jumping up and down
暴跳如雷;欢欣雀跃to be very angry or excited about sth
jump down sbs throat
愤怒地反驳;猛烈回击某人to react very angrily to sb
jump the gun
抢跑;过早行动to do sth too soon, before the right time
jump the lights
闯红灯to fail to stop at a red traffic light
jump out of your skin
大吃一惊;吓一大跳to move violently because of a sudden shock
jump the queue
插队;加塞儿;不按次序排队to go to the front of a line of people without waiting for your turn
jump the rails
出轨;脱轨to leave the rails suddenly
jump ship
擅自弃职离船to leave the ship on which you are serving, without permission
jump through hoops
(为达到目的而)经受磨难to do sth difficult or complicated in order to achieve sth
jump to it
赶快;加油;快点干used to tell sb to hurry and do something quickly