Half -
美 [hæf]英 [hɑːf]
- n.一半;(比赛、音乐会等的)半场;(啤酒等饮料的)半品脱
- adv.半;半数;绝大部分(时间、乐趣、麻烦等);到一半程度
- adj.一半的;一部分的;不完全的
- 网络半场(half-court);半个;二分之一

Half -
1.一半;半either of two equal parts into which sth is or can be divided
2.(比赛、音乐会等的)半场,半局either of two periods of time into which a sports game, concert, etc. is divided
3.(啤酒等饮料的)半品脱half a pint of beer or a similar drink
and a half
更大(或好、重要等)的;非同寻常的;出色的bigger, better, more important, etc. than usual
do nothing/not do anything by halves
做任何事情都完全彻底;善始善终;不半途而废to do whatever you do completely and thoroughly
go half and half|go halves (with sb)
(和某人)平均分摊费用to share the cost of sth equally with sb
the half of it
(用于否定句)比想象的更糟糕(或更复杂)的部分used in negative sentences to say that a situation is worse or more complicated than sb thinks
how the other half lives
另一类人的生活方式(尤指比自己富有得多的人)the way of life of a different social group, especially one much richer than you
too clever, etc. by half
聪明(等)过头clever, etc. in a way that annoys you or makes you suspicious
小学英语单词表_百度文库 ... time 时间 half 半,一半 past 超过 ...
高尔夫 - 搜搜百科 ... Ground under epair 待修复之地 Half 半场 Half swing 轻挥杆(打击一半距离的方法) ...
刘一男400基础词汇中文释义 - 豆丁网 ... guard 保护; 控制 half 一半的, 半个的 harm 损害, 危害, 伤害 ...
牛津小学英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... ) hair 头发 ) half 半,一半,半个 Halloween 万圣节前夕 ...
初中英语单词表大全2182个带音标 - 豆丁网 ... past (超)过,经过 376 half 半,一半 377 quarter 一刻钟,四分之一 378 ...
分数用英语怎么表示 如三分之五_百度知道 ... 四分之三: three fourths 二分之一: half 三分之一: one third ...
三只猫@美味关系 Three Cats: 四月 2009 ... 全只免鸡胸( Without Breast) 半只( Half) 中碟( Medium Plate) ...