- v.满;把(裙子)缝出皱褶;【印,纺】蒸洗;缩绒
- n.完全;极盛时
- adj.满的;充满的;满是…的;(有)大量的
- adv.直接地;径直地
- 网络完全的;全部;完整
比较级:fuller 最高级:fullest

满with no empty space
1.~ (of sth)满的;充满的;满是…的containing or holding as much or as many as possible; having no empty space
大量having a lot
2.~ of sth(有)大量的;(有)许多的;丰富的having or containing a large number or amount of sth
话多talking a lot
3.~ of sth(关于某事物)想得很多,谈得很多thinking or talking a lot about a particular thing
食物with food
4.吃饱了的having had enough to eat
5.[ubn]完全的;完整的;详尽的complete; with nothing missing
尽量as much as possible
6.[ubn]最高级的;尽量多的;最大量的to the highest level or greatest amount possible
7.忙的;有很多活动的busy; involving a lot of activities
强调for emphasis
8.[obn](强调数量)足足的,整整的used to emphasize an amount or a quantity
9.圆的;满的appearing as a complete circle
10.丰满的;圆鼓鼓的(有时用 full 以避免用 fat)large and round.Full is sometimes used to avoid saying ‘fat’.
11.宽松的;肥大的made with plenty of cloth; fitting loosely
12.圆浑的;圆润的;浓郁的deep, strong and rich
大多数含 full 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及动词相关词条找到,如 full of the joys of spring 在词条 joy 下。Most idioms containingfull are at the entries for the nouns and verbs in the idioms, for examplefull of the joys of spring is atjoy .
full of it
乱说;夸大其词not telling the truth; tending to exaggerate things
full of yourself
自满;自视甚高;只顾自己very proud; thinking only of yourself
in full
整个;全部including the whole of sth
to the full
达到最大程度;充分to the greatest possible degree