- n.展销会;商品交易会;露天游乐场;(评比农畜产品的)集市
- adv.公正地;公平合理地;按照规则
- adj.合理的;恰当的;适当的;秉公办事的
- v.誊清;使表面平顺;整流;〈英方〉(天气)好转
- 网络公平的;博览会;美丽的
比较级:fairer 最高级:fairest 复数:fairs

1.合理的;恰当的;适当的acceptable and appropriate in a particular situation
一视同仁treating people equally
2.(按法律、规定)平等待人的,秉公办事的,公正的treating everyone equally and according to the rules or law
相当大quite large
3.[obn](数量、大小)相当大的quite large in number, size or amount
相当好quite good
4.相当好的;不错的quite good
5.浅色的;白的pale in colour
6.晴朗的bright and not raining
7.顺风的not too strong and blowing in the right direction
alls fair in love and war
在情场和战场上可以不择手段in some situations any type of behaviour is acceptable to get what you want
be fair!
要讲道理used to tell sb to be reasonable in their judgement of sb/sth
by fair means or foul
不择手段using dishonest methods if honest ones do not work
a fair crack of the whip
(做某事的)适当机会a reasonable opportunity to show that you can do sth
fair enough
(指想法、建议)有道理,说得对,行used to say that an idea or suggestion seems reasonable
fairs fair
(尤用作感叹词,表示认为行动、决定等可以接受)彼此都要公平,应该公正才是used, especially as an exclamation, to say that you think that an action, decision, etc. is acceptable and appropriate because it means that everyone will be treated fairly
(give sb) a fair hearing
(给某人)申辩机会;(让某人接受)公平审讯(to allow sb) the opportunity to give their opinion of sth before deciding if they have done sth wrong, often in court
(give sb/get) a fair shake
(给某人╱得到)公平待遇(to give sb/get) fair treatment that gives you the same chance as sb else
(more than) your fair share of sth
(超过)合理的数量,恰当的数量(more than) an amount of sth that is considered to be reasonable or acceptable
fair to middling
一般水平;不过不失not particularly good or bad
its a fair cop
(当场被抓获时说)这是罪有应得,抓得有理used by sb who is caught doing sth wrong, to say that they admit that they are wrong