- n.裂缝;裂纹;缝隙;尝试
- v.断裂;破裂;打击;崩溃
- adj.训练有素的;技艺高超的;优秀的;一流的
- adv.尖锐地
- 网络破解;裂痕;龟裂
第三人称单数:cracks 现在分词:cracking 过去式:cracked

1.[i][t]破裂;裂开;断裂to break without dividing into separate parts; to break sth in this way
2.[i][t]砸开;破开;砸碎;打碎to break open or into pieces; to break sth in this way
3.[t]~ sth/sb (on/against sth)重击;猛击to hit sth/sb with a short hard blow
发出声音make sound
4.[i][t](使)发出爆裂声,噼啪作响to make a sharp sound; to make sth do this
嗓音of voice
5.[i](突然)变嘶哑,变沙哑if your voicecracks , it changes in depth, volume, etc. suddenly and in a way that you cannot control
在压力下under pressure
6.[i](因压力而)吃不消,崩溃,瓦解to no longer be able to function normally because of pressure
找到解决方法find solution
7.[t]~ sth找到解决(难题等的)方法to find the solution to a problem, etc.; to find the way to do sth difficult
阻止stop sb/sth
8.[t]~ sth阻止,打击,击败,战胜(罪犯或敌人)to find a way of stopping or defeating a criminal or an enemy
get cracking
立即大干起来to begin immediately and work quickly
not all, everything, etc. sbs cracked up to be
不像人们说的那么好not as good as people say
crack the whip
极度役使to use your authority or power to make sb work very hard, usually by treating them in a strict way