1.a small flat piece of plastic used for getting money from a bank, atm, etc. or for buying things. You are usually given a special number, called a PIN number, with your card so that you can get money from a machine; a phone card
2.a small piece of thick stiff paper or plastic that shows who you are and that you have authority or permission to do something; a small piece of thick stiff paper with your name, your job, and the name of your company printed on it; a piece of thick stiff paper on which you record information about something; a piece of thick stiff paper with printed information on it, usually part of a set; a list of the sports events that are planned to take place at a particular time
3.a piece of thick stiff paper folded into two equal parts, with a picture and a message on it; a postcard
4.one of a set of 52 small pieces of thick stiff paper used for various games. The set is called a pack or deck and is divided into four suits: hearts,diamonds,clubs, and spades.; the activity of playing games with a set of 52 cards; one of a set of small pieces of thick stiff paper used in games or activities such as tarot; playing cards or tarot used for trying to discover what will happen in the future
5.something that gives you an advantage in doing something
6.a circuit board that fits inside a computer and connects to a particular piece of equipment such as a modem or computer screen
7.someone who makes you laugh
8.thick stiff paper, thinner than cardboard