- v.转晴;批准;放晴;搬走
- adv.离开;不靠近;不接触;一直(到远处)
- adj.远离;清晰易懂的;明白清楚的;不含混的
- n.同“clearance”;【机】间隙;【建】中空体内部的尺寸
- 网络清除;透明;清晰的
比较级:clearer 最高级:clearest 第三人称单数:clears 现在分词:clearing 过去式:cleared

清晰;无疑问without confusion/doubt
1.清晰易懂的;明白清楚的;不含混的easy to understand and not causing any confusion
2.明显的;显然的;明确的obvious and leaving no doubt at all
3.无疑的;清楚的;明白的having or feeling no doubt or confusion
4.(尤指在困境中)思维敏锐而有逻辑的,头脑清醒的thinking in a sensible and logical way, especially in a difficult situation
容易看见╱听到easy to see/hear
5.容易看见的;听得清的easy to see or hear
6.透明的;清澈的that you can see through
7.无云(或雾)的;晴朗的without cloud or mist
8.无斑(或疤痕)的without spots or marks
无阻碍not blocked
10.~ (of sth)畅通无阻的;无障碍的;(表面)收拾干净的free from things that are blocking the way or covering the surface of sth
与坏事不沾边free from sth bad
12.~ of sth摆脱掉(不愉快事物)的free from sth that is unpleasant
不接触;不靠近not touching/near
13.[nbn]~ (of sb/sth)不接触;远离not touching sth; a distance away from sth
一段时间period of time
14.[obn]全部的;整体的;完整的whole or complete
款项sum of money
15.[obn](扣除税项、成本等后)净的,纯的remaining when taxes, costs, etc. have been taken away
be clear sailing
(as) clear as day
显而易见;容易理解easy to see or understand
(as) clear as mud
一点不清楚;难懂not clear at all; not easy to understand