
  • na.be neatly [decently] dressed
  • 网络dress neatly; DRESSED UP; dress up



dress neatly

穿戴整齐,be... ... ) WearComp 穿戴计算 dressed;dress neatly 穿戴整齐 ) Informal or incomplete attire. 正式或不整齐穿戴 ...


[分享]迪士尼神奇英语全部英语对白和翻译 ... CONDUCTOR 乐队指挥 DRESSED UP 穿戴整齐 DRUMS 鼓 ...

dress up

整体认读单词1900个 - Howie的日志 - 网易博客 ... dress 连衣裙,套裙 dress up 穿戴整齐 dresser 梳妆台 ...

Dressing Up

非常男女 -非常日记-男人和女人的区别(HOT) ... Toys: 玩具: Dressing up: 穿戴整齐 Sex: 性: ...

be neatly dressed

book1u4课后练习答案,课... ... 样子自信 have a look of confidence 穿戴整齐 be neatly dressed 儿时的伙伴 childhood friends ...

dress well

动词 知识讲解 wear in put on三者的区别... ... dress up (给)穿盛装 dress well 穿戴整齐 be dressed in white 穿着白色的衣服 ...

be dressed neatly

09年高考... ... 1. 诚信互助 be honest and help each other 2. 穿戴整齐 be dressed neatly 3. 网上交友 make friends on line ...

This is the dress that I made

说好不玩419_军被和腿_新浪博客 ... This is the dinner prepared 我准备好晚餐 This is the dress that I made 穿戴整齐 ...
