
  • na.open one's mouth wide
  • 网络open one’s mouth wide; demand an exorbitant price; boast



open one’s mouth wide

分类词汇:与“五官”类词汇相关习语... ... make a mouth 做怪脸,做苦相 open one’s mouth wide 狮子大开口(指索高价) 1.Eye …

demand an exorbitant price

pcls4-5-3-word-1... ... 人不知鬼不觉: be done in complete secrecy 狮子大开口: demand an exorbitant price 部首:石( shí) ...


Sinograma « 狮 » - Diccionario de Sinogramas ... 狮虎当道[ lion in the way] 狮子大开口[ boast] 狮舞[ lion dance] ...

highway robbery

英语成语园地-金钱篇 ... for a song 非常便宜地。 highway robbery 狮子大开口;索取高价。 ...

Put the bite on somebody

... In the driver's seat 大权在握 Put the bite on somebody 狮子大开口 Drive/force/push somebody to the wall 逼得走投无路 ...

open one's mouth too wide

找英文片语 - Yahoo... ... with one mouth 众口同声 open one's mouth too wide 狮子大开口 1.a useless mouth 饭桶,没用的人 ...

to ask an exorbitant price

读者 5 Flashcards -... ... 强买强卖 to force one into buying 狮子大开口 to ask an exorbitant price 打马虎眼 to play dumb ...
