
  • 网络It is estimated that; It is considered that; It is predicted that



It is estimated that

2013年湖南学位英语试题:词汇押题 ... D。processing“ 加工,处理”; B。it is estimated that据估计……”; A。set aside“ 留 …

It is considered that

沪江博客 - matress的博客 ... It is supposed that: 据推测 It is considered that据估计 It is believed that: 人们认为 ...

It is predicted that

科学网... ... It is reported that … 据报道,据报告说 It is predicted that据估计,据预测 It is said that … 据说,一般认为 ...

by estimate

爱思英语论坛 - Powered by Discuz! Board ... n. 估价,估价 by estimate 据估计 from an estimate of 给----做一估计 ...

It has been estimated that

小龟陪你... ... make a wide guess that 不着边际的猜测 It has been estimated that 据估计 owe … to … 因……而感激,把……

according to estimates

粗估 English, 翻译, 发音, 字典... ... 加粗生长 diameter increment 据估计 according to estimates 气粗 irascible;ranting ...

It is predicated that

英语新闻写作之常用套语_英语杂谈_天涯论坛... ... It is predicated that据估计……,预计…… It is preferred that… 有人建议…
