
  • na.fix [determine] prices according to the quality (of commodities)
  • 网络Pricing by Quality; fixing prices according to quality of products; quality payment



Pricing by Quality

在线翻译pricing是什么意思,解... ... ● zone pricing 分区定价法 ● pricing by quality 按质论价 ● arbitrary pricing 人为定价 ...

fixing prices according to quality of products

... 雍容华丽 rich and magnificent 按质论价 fixing prices according to quality of products 包装牢固 strong packing ...

quality payment

payment ... public welfare payment 公共福利支出 quality payment 按质论价 quarterly payment 按季付款 ...

The price depends on the quality

商场服务常用英语_守侯天使_新浪博客 ... The price depends on the quality. 按质论价。 It’s too expensive . 太贵了 ...

base price on quality

什么意思... ... Base Ourselves On Reality 立足实际 base price on quality 按质论价 base bonus on work points 按分计奖 ...

Price products according to quality

... 按照事物本来面貌 take things as they really are 按质论价 Price products according to quality 暗补 implicit subsidies ...

determine price according to quality

论in... ... 不能一概而论。 You can't consider everything at once. 按质论价 determine price according to quality ...
