
  • na.kiss [bite] the dust
  • 网络eat humble pie; put one's pride in one's pocket; eat dirt



eat humble pie

英文习语_vcfg_新浪博客 ... 堪当重任 fill sb's shoes 忍辱含垢 eat humble pie 悲痛欲绝 eat one's heart out ...

put one's pride in one's pocket

英语新词汇与常用... ... put one's oar in 干涉 put one's pride in one's pocket 忍辱含垢 put one's shirt on 把全部家当压上 ...

eat dirt

对面的俚语看过来_郎岩_新浪博客 ... Drop a dime 告密,告发 Eat dirt 忍气吞声,忍辱含垢 Eat one’s hat 发誓,打赌 ...

to accept humiliation

含铁细... ... 含义 implied meaning;hint;meaning 忍辱含垢 to accept humiliation;to turn the other cheek;to eat humble pie ...

Silently endure all the disgrace and humiliations

_查单词短句... ... Silently endure all the disgrace and humiliations 忍辱含垢 Endure an Arctic winter. 忍受北极的冬天 ...

bear insult

... avenge one's insult 报仇雪耻 bear insult 忍辱含垢,忍气吞声,逆来顺受 pocket an insult 甘愿受辱,忍气吞声,逆来顺受 ...

swallow one's pride

swallow是什么意思及用... ... swallow an insult 甘愿受辱,忍气吞声,逆来顺受 swallow one's pride 放下架子,谦虚,屈尊,忍辱含垢 ...

bear disgrace

disgrace... ... be a disgrace to 是…的耻辱 bear disgrace 忍辱含垢 bring disgrace on 给…带来耻辱,使…丢脸 ...
