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Close your book

英语第1-3单元复习纲要(一)_叶子_新浪博客 ... Sit down. 坐下。 Close your book. 合上(你的)书。 Eat the cake. 吃蛋糕 …

close the book

小学常用英语 - 豆丁网 ... open the window 打开窗户 4 close the book 合上书 5 close the door 关上门 6 ...

shut a book

L29 L30_浅唱低吟.倚居_天涯博客 ... colse your mouse 闭嘴 shut a book 合上书 bedroom 卧室 ...

Close your books

找40个动词并组成5个词组_百度知道 ... open your books( 打开书) close your books合上书) come out of( 从...出来) ...

Books closed

《小学生英语口语交际能力的培养研究》研究报告 ... Open your books! 请翻开书 Books closed! 合上书 Books open! 打开书 ...

Closeshut your books.

... 12. Now turn back to page 3. 现在翻回第3页。 13. Closeshut your books. 合上书。 14. Listen carefully. 请注意听。 ...

to shut a book

什么意思_英语shut在线翻译... ... to shut a china closet 锁好瓷器橱 to shut a book 合上书 to shut a clasp knife 折拢小刀 ...

Open you books

课堂用语1_爱词霸沙龙-英语学习... ... Clean the blackboard. 擦干净黑板。 Open you books. 合上书。 Close you books. 打开 …
