美 [rɪsk]英 [rɪsk]
  • n.风险;危险;危险人物;会带来风险的事物
  • v.使…冒风险(或面临危险);冒…的风险(或危险);冒险做
  • 网络冒…的危险;大战役;战国风云

复数:risks 现在分词:risking 过去式:risked



n. v.

1.[c][u]危险;风险the possibility of sth bad happening at some time in the future; a situation that could be dangerous or have a bad result

2.[c]~ (to sth)危险人物;会带来风险的事物a person or thing that is likely to cause problems or danger at some time in the future

3.[c]a good/bad/poor ~(风险很小/很大的)借款人,保险对象a person or business that a bank or an insurance company is willing/unwilling to lend money or sell insurance to because they are likely/unlikely to pay back the money etc.


at risk (from/of sth)

有危险;冒风险in danger of sth unpleasant or harmful happening

at the risk of doing sth

(用以引出可能听上去愚蠢或冒犯人的话)冒着…的风险used to introduce sth that may sound stupid or may offend sb

at risk to yourself/sb/sth

冒伤及…的危险with the possibility of harming yourself/sb/sth

do sth at your own risk

自担风险;责任自负to do sth even though you have been warned about the possible dangers and will have to take responsibility for anything bad that happens

run a risk (of sth/of doing sth)

冒风险;有…的危险to be in a situation in which sth bad could happen to you

run the risk (of sth/of doing sth)|run risks

冒…的危险;冒险(做某事)to be or put yourself in a situation in which sth bad could happen to you

take a risk|take risks

冒险(做某事)to do sth even though you know that sth bad could happen as a result


风险Risk):我的观点是,大多数敏捷的过程并没有给予风险的降低以足够的重视,至少是没有对其充分的明确。我们中的 …


英语doing与to do的区别_爱问知识人 ... postpone 延迟,延期 risk 冒险 practise 实行,实践 ...


大学英语精读单词表(第三册) - 豆丁网 ... madam n. 夫人, 太太, 女士, 小姐 risk vt. 使冒危险; 冒…的危险 patrol n. 巡逻队 ...


桌游大战役(RISK)中文版玩法说明 maoaomoam http://wenku.baidu.com/view/90f19760caaedd3383c4d37c.html 看了看,好像 …


锺唔锺意战国风云(RISK)?我有一副玩过唔锺意. 要唔要帖子 76 积分 217 注册时间 2005-10-19 希望好心人帮帮手解答我 唔该哂


危险性(Risk)是指某种危险源导致事故、造成人员伤害、财物损坏或环境污染的可能性。由于不能彻底地消除所有的危险源,也 …


风险性risk):管理者可以根据历史数据估计出每一种备择方案的可能性或结果。不确定性(uncertainty):不能肯定它的结果,不 …
