, drive

美 [draɪv]英 [draɪv]
  • n.驱车旅行;驾车路程;传动(或驱动)装置
  • v.驾驶;开车;驾车送(人);拥有(或驾驶)…汽车
  • 网络亡命驾驶;驱动器;落日车神

过去式:drove 过去式:drave 过去分词:driven 现在分词:driving 第三人称单数:drives

, drive, drive

, drive

v. n.


1.[i][t]驾驶;开车to operate a vehicle so that it goes in a particular direction

2.[t]~ sb (+ adv./prep.)驾车送(人)to take sb somewhere in a car, taxi, etc.

3.[t]~ sth拥有(或驾驶)…汽车to own or use a particular type of vehicle


4.[t][usupass]~ sth驱动;推动to provide the power that makes a machine work

使人做某事make sb do sth

5.[t]~ sb (+ adv./prep.)迫使;驱使to force sb to act in a particular way

6.[t]迫使(某人生气、发疯或做出极端事情)to make sb very angry, crazy, etc. or to make them do sth extreme

使移动make sb/sth move

7.[t]~ sb/sth + adv./prep.驱赶;赶走;驱逐to force sb/sth to move in a particular direction

推动cause sth to make progress

8.[t]~ sth激励;促进;推进to influence sth or cause it to make progress


9.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.击;打;敲;推to force sth to go in a particular direction or into a particular position by pushing it, hitting it, etc.

打洞make a hole

10.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.凿;挖掘to make an opening in or through sth by using force

体育运动in sport

11.[t][i]~ (sth) (+ adv./prep.)猛抽,猛击(球)to hit a ball with force, sending it forward


12.[t]~ sth (+ adv./prep.)吹;卷;刮;冲to carry sth along

13.[i](+ adv./prep.)猛落;急速驱进to fall or move rapidly and with great force


drive a coach and horses through sth

毁掉,糟蹋,破坏(计划等)to spoil sth, for example a plan

drive sth home (to sb)

把…讲透彻;阐明;使充分理解to make sb understand or accept sth by saying it often, loudly, angrily, etc.

what sb is driving at

某人的用意;某人话中的意思the thing sb is trying to say


小学英语单词大全(含中文翻译)_百度文库 ... 下棋 play chess 驾驶 drive 飞 fly ...


驱字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 驱虫剂〖 anthelmintic〗 驱动drive〗 驱赶〖 banish;expel;chasedrive;turn〗 ...


亡命驾驶》(DRIVE)通过“动作”塑造了形象,实现了电影的一般艺术价值。阅读 ┆ 评论 ┆ 转载 ┆ 收藏 查看全文>> 标签: 文 …


杰克·尼科尔森_百度百科 ... 开车,他说 Head 开车,他说 Drive,He Said 毛发 Head ...


电力常用英语 - bingwuo的日志 - 网易博客 ... 驱动功率 driving power 驱动器 drive 取样装置 sampling device ...


看完落日车神 ( Drive ) ,电影很好看,但最爱的是他的配乐,这部片的配乐低调,主角对白少,声音也安静,都感觉若有若无 …


驱赶_百度百科 ... demagogue 起哄者,群众煽动者 drive 驱动,驱赶 drift 冲洗,漂流 ...


驱力(drive):一种内部的状态,它是对动物的生理需要做出的反应。生物体就其本身条件来说如体温和能量供应等会寻求维持一 …
