美 [ˈjunjən]英 [ˈjuːnjən]
- n.联盟;工会;联合;联合会

1.[c]工会an organization of workers, usually in a particular industry, that exists to protect their interests, improve conditions of work, etc.
2.[c]协会;联合会;会社;俱乐部an association or a club for people or organizations with the same interest
3.[c]同盟;联盟;联邦a group of states or countries that have the same central government or that agree to work together
4.[sing](尤指内战时期的)美利坚合众国,美国the US (used especially at the time of the Civil War)
5.[u][sing]联合;结合;合并the act of joining two or more things together; the state of being joined together; the act of two people joining together
6.[c]结为夫妻;婚姻a marriage