
美 [rid]英 [riːd]
  • v.读;阅读;朗读;读懂
  • n.阅读;读书;好的(或有意思等的)读物;好书(或文章等)
  • adj.博学的;熟知的;精通的
  • 网络读取;可读;看

第三人称单数:reads 现在分词:reading




1.[i][t]识字;阅读;读懂to look at and understand the meaning of written or printed words or symbols

2.[i][t]读;朗读to go through written or printed words, etc. in silence or speaking them to other people

读到discover by reading

3.[i][t]读到;查阅到to discover or find out about sb/sth by reading


6.[t]懂得;理解to understand sth in a particular way

书写的东西of a piece of writing

7.[t]+ speech写着;写成to have sth written on it; to be written in a particular way

8.[i]+ adv./prep.读起来(给人以某种印象)to give a particular impression when read

测量仪器measuring instrument

9.[t]~ sth读数为;显示to show a particular weight, pressure, etc.

10.[t]~ sth看读数to get information from a measuring instrument


11.[t]~ sb听到,听明白(用无线电机讲的话)to hear and understand sb speaking on a radio set

替换文字replace word

12.[t]~ A for B.~ B as A替换;将…改为to replace one word, etc. with another when correcting a text

大学课程subject at university

13.[t][i]学习;攻读;主修to study a subject, especially at a university


14.[t]读(盘);从磁盘提取信息to take information from a disk


read between the lines

领悟隐含的意义;看出言外之意to look for or discover a meaning in sth that is not openly stated

read sb like a book

轻易地了解某人的想法(或感受);看透某人to understand easily what sb is thinking or feeling

read my lips

请听清楚;请注意听used to tell sb to listen carefully to what you are saying

read (sb) the Riot Act

警告(某人)不得做某事to tell sb with force that they must not do sth

take it/sth as read

直接认定为;不经讨论即认可to accept sth without discussing it

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  ⑤读取(Read):该权限允许用户查看该文件夹中的文件以及子文件夹,也允许查看该文件夹的属性、所有者和拥有的权限等;  …


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