
  • na.clothing,food, shelter [housing] and transportation -- basic necessities of life
  • 网络Creature Comforts; Basic necessities; shelter and transportation



Creature Comforts

第63届奥斯卡金像奖_百度百科 ... 《小鬼当家》< Home Alone> 《衣食住行》< Creature Comforts> 《旅行》< A Grand Day O…

Basic necessities

这年月指示们的特供还真不少,遇事多考虑3分钟衣食住行(Basic necessities)面面俱圆。困难就像一杯浓茶,只有细细品味后才 …


雅思真题词汇速成 口语_沪江网店 ... 一、个人基本信息1. Name 2 二、衣食住行1. Clothing 18 三、人1. Appearance 44 ...

clothing,food,shelter and transportation

... 良药苦口 Good medicine tastes bitter. 衣食住行 clothing,food,shelter and transportation 曲裾 curving-front robe ...


蒙古网 www.mgl.cn ... 技术科技/ tech 衣食住行/ life 政府机关/ government ...
