
  • 网络So far,so good; Getting by; Fair to middling



So far,so good

老外最爱个性短语 ... My mouth is watering! 我要流口水了! So far,so good! 还过得去! Speaking of the devil! 说曹操,曹操到! ...

Getting by

english corner - 聆风的日志 - 网易博客 ... Line: 台词 Getting by 还过得去 plugging along 勉强 ...

Fair to middling

儿童英语学习,实境回答亲切的问候 ... 8. So-so. 一般般吧 9. Fair to middling. 还过得去 10. I'm better than I deserve. 挺好! ...


“最近您的... ... Q:Good afternoon,Johnson.( 午安,强森。) So-so. 还过得去。 I don't have time to breathe. 我忙得喘不过气来 …

Not bad

进来充充电吧!就当消遣了。。。。。。 - -... ... I's the how you do it? 你是这么做的吗? Not bad. 还过得去。 I am busy. 我是 …

would pass in a crowd

英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(W) ... would like to 愿意 would pass in a crowd 还过得去 would rather than 宁愿 ...

It was okay

见面如何打招呼 ... B2:So-so. 马马虎虎。 B3:It was okay. 还过得去。 B5:Same old same old. 老样子老样子。【绝对纯正美语 …

I'm getting by

恒心与毅力 - 如果可以重来 - Yahoo!奇摩部落格 ... I'm stuck 没辄了 I'm getting by 还过得去 That was close 好险 ...
