
  • na.welcome visitors and see them off
  • 网络Protocol Routine; ProtocoI Routine; Meeting and Seeing off



Protocol Routine

商务现场口译... ... Quality Assessment( 质量评估) Unit 1 Protocol Routine迎来送往) Unit 2 Ceremonial Address( 礼仪 …

ProtocoI Routine

《商务现场口译-(教师用书)》电子书下载 ... Introduction( 绪论) ProtocoI Routine迎来送往) Long?term Preparation( 长 …

Meeting and Seeing off

《外贸英语口语》... ... Unit 1 Changing Plans 改变计划 Unit 2 Meeting and Seeing Off 迎来送往 Unit 3 Room Check-in 入住酒 …

to be busy entertaining guests

成语英译1_视界大码头_新浪博客 ... •迫不得已 compelled by circumstances. •迎来送往 to be busy entertaining guests. ...

Greetings,Introduction and Parting

星火英语·英语闯天下日常英语口... ... Chapter 2 Socialization 人际交往 Unit 1 Greetings,Introduction and Parting 迎来送往 ...

Entaining Guests

《公关英语》- 京东图书... ... Part Ⅱ Entaining Guests迎来送往) Part Ⅳ Special Occasions( 特定场合) ...

Unit One Protocol Routine

《英语... ... Project One Business Reception 商务接待 Unit One Protocol Routine 迎来送往 Unit Two Banquet Remarks 宴会致 …

all time taken over with social niceties

赠送 English, 翻译, 发音, 字典... ... 迎来送往 all time taken over with social niceties; 赠送 to present as a gift ...
