
  • n.【食】Steamed Egg Custard
  • 网络lang wov; egg thick soup; Steam assorted eggs



Egg Custard

西安饭店与餐饮行业协会 ... 菜甫肉碎煎蛋 :Pan-Fried Eggs with Minced Pork and Vegetables 蛋羹Egg Custard 羊肉 Lamb ...

Steamed Egg Custard

蛋是什么意思_百度知道 ... 4. 蛋糕[ cake] 5. 蛋羹[ steamed egg custard] 6. 蛋黄[ egg yolk] ...

lang wov

饮食-温州话常用词语对照-温州话学习 ... 蛋糕 lang ge 蛋羹 lang wov 蛋炒饭 cuo lang wa ...

egg thick soup

日用英语词汇大全_在线英语词典 ... 酸辣汤 hot and sour soup 蛋羹 egg thick soup 卤菜 braised food ...

Steam assorted eggs

xux |... ... 10. Pig intestine( 肥肠). 12. Steam assorted eggs( 蛋羹). 13. Golden needle mushroom( 金针菇). ...
