
  • 网络My pleasure; It is my pleasure; The pleasure is mine



My pleasure

... Guest:Thank you. 谢谢你 Waiter:My pleasure. 荣幸之至. Guest:I have no idea about Chinese food. 我对中国菜一无所知. ...

It is my pleasure

熟读唐诗三百... ... It is my pleasure. 荣幸之至。 Where can I buy it? I want to learn the poems. 我要上哪买啊?我想学诗歌。 ...

The pleasure is mine

新增网页1 ... 很高兴见到你! It’s nice to meet you! 荣幸之至The pleasure is mine! 我也这麽认为! I think so! ...

esteem it a great honor to do

开心就好的个人空间_首页... ... esteem v. 尊敬,尊重(文) esteem it a great honor to do 荣幸之至 revere v. 尊敬 ,敬畏 ...

used to express humbleness when others express their gratitude

It's a pleasure

... e. to hate with every fibre of one's being. 恨之彻骨。 f. It's a pleasure. 荣幸之至。 g. Over and over. 几次三番。 ...

It will be my pleasure

想说就说 - Track 25-英语听力... ... 4. I'm so happy for you. 我真为你高兴。 6. It will be my pleasure. 荣幸之至。 ...

It was my please
