
  • 网络fruit of purple perilla; Perilla frutescens; Perilla Fruit



fruit of purple perilla

进出口行... ... fruit of princesplume ladysthumb 水红花子 fruit of purple perilla 紫苏子 fruit of Rangoon creeper 使君子 ...

Perilla frutescens

Omega-3脂肪酸_百度百科 ... 猕猴桃 Actinidia chinensis 紫苏子 Perilla frutescens 亚麻 Linum usitatissimum ...

Perilla Fruit

produce ... 紫苏叶 Perilla leaf 紫苏子 Perilla Fruit 紫菀 Tatarian Aster Root ...

Perilla seed

在线英语词典,英文翻译,科... ... 紫檀碱[异黄酮类]: pterocarpan 紫苏子Perilla seed 紫苏籽油: perilla frutescens seed oil ...

Fructus Perillae

中草药名称 ... Herba Menthae 薄荷 Fructus Perillae 紫苏子 Calyx Kaki 柿蒂 ...

Perilla Fruit Fructus Perillae

Common... ... Perilla leaf Folium Perillae 紫苏叶 Perilla Fruit Fructus Perillae 紫苏子 Benzoin Benzoinum 安息香 ...

fruit of common perilla

进出口行业词汇英语翻译(F) ... fruit of citron 枳壳 fruit of common perilla 紫苏子 fruit of cubeb litsea tree 山苍子 ...

Perilla Frutescens Seed

perill... ... Labiatae Perilla frutescens Perilla : 皱叶紫苏 Perilla Frutescens Seed紫苏子 Perilla frutescens : 白苏子 ...
