
  • na.be seriously ill
  • 网络in a bad way; gravely ill; I suffer a cold.



in a bad way

bad的英语是什么?_百度知道 ... not so bad 并不坏;还凑合 in a bad way 病情严重 in a bad mood 心情不好;处在不好的情绪 …

gravely ill

"gravely"怎么说合适-翻译"gravely"... ... gravely contravene 严重违反; gravely ill 病情严重; gravely in state 庄重地; ...

be seriously ill

严重_英文_英语... ... critical juncture 严重关头 be seriously ill 病情严重 His illness was a severe one. 他的病很严重。 ...

I suffer a cold.

新概念笔记 册 - 英语综合学习资料下载区 -... ... I will do a make up. 补考 I suffer a cold. 病情严重 Change 部分改变 ...

clinical disease is severe

5. 病情严重clinical disease is severe),门诊治疗失败。6. 病人配合度差(compliance with an outpatient regimen is in quest…

be in a bad way

避免贻误病情 的英文翻译、中英双语例句 ... 8. 处于困境|病情严重 be in a bad way 9. 艾咪病情严重. amy's in a Bad way. ...
