
  • 网络The wind is gusting angrily; It was the wicked and wild wind; When the wind is blowing



The wind is gusting angrily

... 5 The road became uneven. 路变得不平坦了。 6 The wind is gusting angrily. 狂风怒吼。 7 A life for a life. 一命抵一命。 ...

It was the wicked and wild wind

Aroly's - 博客大巴 ... For some reason I can't explain 由于一些原因我无法解释 It was the wicked and wild wind 狂风怒吼 ...

When the wind is blowing

EToS - A Virgin and A... ... When the wind is blowing 千百个年华中,狂风怒吼, It dries the sands of decades 将沙粒吹干。 ...

the strong winds roar

爱华语 |... ... 菊花酒─ chrysanthemum wine 狂风怒吼the strong winds roar 茱萸叶子─ fruit of a medicinal cornel leaf ...

