
  • 网络Health; do harm to; be physically damaging





do harm to

7.饭后打球有害健康do harm to )8.我相信只要你刻苦努力 你就一定能赶上全班同学(As long as) 1.First,let's thank teacher…

be physically damaging

雅思口语原则词汇 ... allergy 过敏 be physically damaging 有害健康 calcium magnesium 镁化钙- ...

Death By Triple Fiddle

约夏贝... ... 13. Slumber My Darling 睡吧我的宝贝 14. Death by Triple Fiddle 音乐过量,有害健康 15. Amazing Grace 奇异恩典 ...

be harmful to health

每日词汇内容检测-... ... 5: 性格演员 character actor 1: 有害健康 be harmful to health 2: 遵守诺言 keep one's promise ...

do harm ot one's health

雅思写作高阶词汇 ... ... depression n . 郊郁(症),沮丧,消沉 do harm ot one's health 有害健康 endanger vt . 危及 ...

bad for health

写英语短文_百度知道 ... fried food 油炸食品 bad for health 有害健康 vegetable and fruits 蔬菜和水果 ...

The smoke do harm to our health.

校园“... ... It makes unpleasant smell. 气味很难闻。 The smoke do harm to our health. 有害健康。 It is inelegant. 行为不雅。 ...
