
  • v.pull the scab right off sb. 's sore touch sb. 's sore spot touch sb. on the raw prod sb. 's old wounds
  • 网络dish up the dirt; pull the scab off somebody's sore; pull the scab off sb's sore



dish up the dirt

“世界杯”四大“生死之战”猜想- 双语新闻 -... ... definitive 确定的 dish up the dirt 说闲话,揭疮疤 enrage 激怒 ...

pull the scab off somebody's sore

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在... ... 伤筋 pull a tendon 揭疮疤 pull the scab off somebody's sore 牵推法 pull-push technique ...

pull the scab off sb's sore

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词典、... ... 出针 pull the needle out 揭疮疤 pull the scab off sb's sore 复拓 pull therough ...

He takes delight in touching others' sore spots, which disgusts everybody.
