
  • na.wan smile; smile wanly
  • 网络bitter smile; ghastly smile; a sorrowful smile



wan smile

Caractère - Dictionnaire de... ... 惨痛[ be bitter and paintful;deeply grieved] 惨笑[ wan smile] 惨重[ heavy] ...

bitter smile

笑涡 English, 翻译, 例句,... ... 涡 whirlpool;name of a river;eddy 惨笑 bitter smile 痴笑 to giggle foolishly;to titter ...

ghastly smile

什么是Smile_百度知道 ... crack a smile [美口]面带笑容 ghastly smile 惨笑 I should smile 我才不干呢; 我才不在乎呢 ...

a sorrowful smile

悲伤 的英文... ... feel sad 悲伤 a sorrowful smile 惨笑 a distressing situation for all of them 使他们痛苦难熬的局势 ...

a ghastly smile

与笑有关的英语翻译_百度知道 ... a frank smile 坦率的微笑 a ghastly smile 惨笑 a grim smile 狞笑 ...

Hippocratic smile

Vocabulary of... ... Coupled with this distortion of the face, 再加上脸部的歪斜 Hippocratic smile 惨笑 tetanus 破伤风 ...
