
  • na.draw the bow without shooting -- just indicate the motions
  • 网络to go through the motions; a trial run; to practice



to go through the motions

公引... ... 引导员 usher;guide 引而不发 a trial run;to go through the motions;;to practice 引发事件 raise an event ...

a trial run

公引... ... 引导员 usher;guide 引而不发 a trial run;to go through the motions;;to practice 引发事件 raise an event ...

to practice

公引... ... 引导员 usher;guide 引而不发 a trial run;to go through the motions;;to practice 引发事件 raise an event ...

Drawing the Bow

恶搞:摩门传... ... 体位:相扶相助 Supported Congress 体位:引而不发 Drawing the Bow 体位:凤凰于飞,翙翙其羽 Phoeni…

just indicate the motions draw the bow without shooting

引 的解释 | 引... ... ◆ 引渡[ extradite ] ◆ 引而不发[ just indicate the motions draw the bow without shooting ] ...

breaks in

[11]即使这个威灵引而不发breaks in),它亦能蓄君临万方的强力于一身。但这事并不能保它息事宁人,相反,它可能更 …
