
  • na.crave after [for] sth. high and out of reach
  • 网络think big; nive; he is aiming to high



think big

think有哪些用法_百度知道 ... think for 认为,预料 think big n. 野心勃勃,好高鹜远 think it over 仔细考虑一下;好好想想 ...


a 一aa 丝aaag 丝绒aaak 丝织aaan 丝绸aaar... ... nivd 内参 nive 好高鹜远 niwe 好高务远 ...

he is aiming to high

办公室英语... ... 倔老头. he is stubborn old man. 好高鹜远. he is aiming to high 从不认输. that man never admitsdefeat ...

do something that is out of reach

Chinese... ... 文武全才 smart and talented 好高鹜远 do something that is out of reach 幸灾乐祸 joy from others pain ...

Run before you can walk

请高手帮忙用英语解释这三个短语的含... ... Run out of gas 燃料耗尽 Run before you can walk 好高鹜远 Run into the sand 失败 ...
