
  • n.soil pollution
  • 网络soil contamination; land pollution; The Pollution of Soil



soil pollution

常用英语单词和词组大全 ... soil pollution monitoring 土壤污染监测 soil pollution 土壤污染 soil Purification 土壤净化 ...

soil contamination

中经社词汇索引_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... sogo gaisha 日本商社 soil contamination 土壤污染 solar cell 太阳电池 ...

land pollution

英语环境专业术... ... land pollutant 陆地污染物 land pollution 陆地污染;土壤污染 land reclamation 土地改良;土地开垦;垦荒 ...

The Pollution of Soil

...er and Soil Loss)173 44土壤污染The Pollution of Soil)175 45土壤污染防治及其修复(Soil Pollution Prevention and Reme…

Toxic Soil Remediatio

便携式烟尘浓度测定仪|... ... ¾ 建筑粉尘 Construction Dusts ¾ 土壤污染 Toxic Soil Remediatio ¾铅 Lead ...


《毒理学百科—拓展卷》介绍/报... ... Pollution,Air Indoor( 室内空气污染) Pollution,Soil土壤污染) Pollution,Water( 水 …

Polluting the Land

《危险中的地球:环境污染》-... ... Oil Spills at Sea 海洋石油泄漏 Polluting the Land 土壤污染 Landfill Sites 垃圾填埋场 ...

spoiling soils

... 13. personally,I think that 常用来表示自己的看法。 2. spoiling soils 土壤污染 3. poisoning water sources 水资源污染 ...

