
  • na.Each refused to give in to the other.
  • 网络Neither is willing to give ground; Each is trying to outdo the other.; try to outdo the other



Neither is willing to give ground

... Neither is willing to give ground. 各不相让。 They surrendered the town to the enemy. 他们拱手把这座城市让给了敌人。 ...

Each is trying to outdo the other.

... Each has his own troubles. 各有一本难念的经。 Each is trying to outdo the other. 各不相让。 earn friends 善于交际 ...

try to outdo the other

油然而生... ... try to be smart 自作聪明 try to outdo the other 各不相让 try to stop but can’t 欲罢不能 ...

Each refuses to give in to the other.

1. 由於双方各不相让(Each refuses to give in to the other.), 因此谈判没有取得任何结果2. 由於采用了高科技手段(a method), 因 …
