
  • na.What comes from the soil will return to the soil
  • 网络whatcomesfromthesoilwillreturntothesoil; falling leaves settle on the roots; the falling leaves settling on the roots




... 叶子〖 leaf;foliage〗 叶落归根whatcomesfromthesoilwillreturntothesoil;fallingleaveswillreturntotheroots〗 珍 zhēn ...

falling leaves settle on the roots

中文成语 用英文怎么说_外语... ... 虚度年华 drift aimlessly through life 叶落归根 falling leaves settle on the roots ...

the falling leaves settling on the roots

叶落归根,the falling leaves settling... ... ) the falling leaves settling on the roots 叶落归根 ) Luoye Guigen 落叶归根 ...

returning to its root

江苏一湖诗... ... 但我认为 But I think that 叶落归根 returning to its root 本身就是它的愿望 is actually what it desires. ...

to his ancestral home.

油然而生 等习语常用语的翻译 -... ... man of resources 足智多谋 to his ancestral home. 叶落归根。 Manglish 马来西亚英语 ...

return to one's ancestral home at old age

翻译词汇|口译词汇· 中国惯用语、俗语 ... ... 要面子 keen on face-saving 叶落归根 return to one's ancestral home at old age ...

lling leaves settle on the roots

中文成语 用英文怎么说_外语... ... 虚度年华 drift aimlessly through life 叶落归根 *lling leaves settle on the roots ...
