
  • na.have begun to take shape
  • 网络begin to take shape; Begun to take shape; take sharp



take shape

翻译词汇|口译词汇·... ... 出国热 craze for going abroad 初具规模 take shape 传为佳话 become a favorite story ...

begin to take shape

Ray Walsh的单词本 - 我的n词酷 ... 成品 : finished product 初具规模 : begin to take shape 一具棺材 : a coffin ...

Begun to take shape

具有这些资源,你就可能具有一个(A)初具规模(Begun to take shape)的“彩民(Lottery)之家”。但要是想成为一个(A)非凡的彩票(L…

take sharp

考博英... ... take over 接收;接管; 抢占;占领;接办;接任 take sharp 成形;形成;有显著发展;初具规模 take turns 轮流换 …

have begun to take shape

... a desk clock 一具座钟 have begun to take shape 初具规模 allow me to present to you this trifling gift 谨具薄礼 ...

the initial size

规模in... ... 经营规模 business size 初具规模 the initial size 规模宏大 enormous scale ...

in shape

北大MPA考前辅导班英语笔记六... ... shape to sth 形成规模 in shape 初具规模 develop 培养\养成 ...

Ec o n o mi c

1 我国REI T s 的投资主体已经初具规模 ( Ec o n o mi c ) (1 )我国居民的储蓄存款规模很大,储蓄比例较高。根据人民银行2 …
