
  • na.comport oneself decently
  • 网络have poise; Conduct Oneself Nobly; bear oneself well



have poise

一举一动的举是什么意思_百度知道 ... 举止[ bearing;manner;mien] 举止大方[ have poise] 举踵[ be on tiptoe] ...

Conduct Oneself Nobly

nobly是什么意思... ... Legend nobly : 一路有你 Conduct Oneself Nobly举止大方 Allard Nobly resolute : 条顿 ...

bear oneself well

2006.11.4单词笔记_踏雪有恨... ... bear in mind that… 把…牢记在心 bear oneself well 举止大方 beneath notice 不值得注意的 ...

have an easy manner

大方的英文翻译,大方... ... 自然大方 natural and in good taste 举止大方 have an easy manner 落落大方 natural and graceful ...

behave well

短语... ... 收到生日礼物 receive birthday gifts 举止大方 behave well 西方文化的餐桌礼仪 table manners of eastern culture ...

To have a dignified air

air out_查单词短句... ... air photography;aeronautical photography 航空摄影 To have a dignified air 举止大方 ...

natural and graceful

一些描述外貌的英语词汇 - 晓磊的日志 -... ... 双眼皮- ---double eyelids 举止大方- ---natural and graceful short 矮 ...
