
  • 网络Can not be ignored; deny ignorance; Not Negligible



Can not be ignored

现状成果不俗,攻击力不容忽视(Can not be ignored),近5场有9球的进涨,虽联赛被扣10分,但如故立于升级区以外。维拉加 …

deny ignorance

常见的翻译技巧:真题点评5--翻译辅导_可可英语 ... (2)主张: in favor of (2)不容忽视deny ignorance (1)“这是……” w…

Not Negligible

... negligible tolerance 可忽略允许量 Not Negligible 不容忽视 negligible quantity [数] 可略去量 ; 可除量 ; [数] 可略量 ...

receptive skills

c1Uni... ... amusement,competition,match。Game cock 斗鸡; (receptive skills) 不容忽视。 一、单词导航台 1. (gambler) 赌 …

allows no negligence

汉英口译实战案例分析—第一单元 ... ... 有生机和活力的市场 energetic market of vitality 不容忽视 allows no negligence ...

Impossible to ignore

《Dreams》的歌词中文... ... I want more 我想要的更多 Impossible to ignore 不容忽视 And they'll come true 总有一天梦想会成 …

should not be ignored

Newspaper Article Running List 02-:-... ... 协力 Cooperate 不容忽视 should not be ignored 与……媲美 be equal to, ...

cannot be ignore

考研英语作文写作指导 -... ... (14)虚假信息 fake and exaggerated (15)不容忽视 cannot be ignore (16)盗版 pirated ...
