
  • na.a great variety
  • 网络a wide selection of colours and designs; a rich assortment; a wide selection of colors and designs



a wide selection of colours and designs

第十单元 周恩来 ... 胡说八道 stuff and nonsense 花色繁多 a wide selection of colours and designs ...

a great variety

花色_英文_英语... ... be beautiful in design and colour 花色好看 a great variety 花色繁多 latest designs 新的花色 ...

a rich assortment

3月5日 - pansy.1985的日志 - 网易博客 ... sample book 样品本 a rich assortment 花色繁多 craftsmanship 工艺,技术 ...

a wide selection of colors and designs

... 畅销全球: sell well all over the world 花色繁多a wide selection of colors and designs 用料上乘: selected material ...

wide selection of colors and designs

翻译理论与实践 ... 旅游胜地 a topographical treat 花色繁多 wide selection of colors and designs ...
