
  • 网络a fish out of water; like a fish out of water; Feel like a fish out of water



a fish out of water

雅思口... ... 3. drink like a fish 大喝,狂饮 4. a fish out of water 浑身不自在 5. big fish in a small pond 小地方的大人物 ...

like a fish out of water

fish的翻译中文意思-在线英汉词典 ... drink like a fish 牛饮 like a fish out of water 浑身不自在 to fish for trout 钓鳟鱼 ...

Feel like a fish out of water

Something about fish --教育... ... 4、salted vegetables 酸菜 1、Feel like a fish out of water 浑身不自在 ...
