
  • 网络Take Responsibility; be responsible for; accountability



Take Responsibility

21. 担负责任Take Responsibility) 幸福的人知道并了解他们为自己的生活担负全部的责任。他们为自己的情绪,态度,想法…

be responsible for

负_百度百科 ... [be responsible for;be in charge of] 担负责任 [be in debt;incur debts] 欠债 ...



be charged with

考研英... ... contribute to 有助于; 对……做出贡献;导致(某事) be charged with 担负……责任 dedicate... to 把(时间、精力等…

bear responsibility

担负的英文翻译,担负用英语怎么说 -... ... 精神负担 a load on one's mind 担负责任 bear responsibility 担负起 bear ...

be in charge of

负_百度百科 ... [be responsible for;be in charge of] 担负责任 [be in debt;incur debts] 欠债 ...

be responsible for be in charge of

包含 责 的词语 | 常用词典 |... ... [ be responsible for be in charge of ] 担负责任 [ abuse berate excoriate ] 大声斥责 ...

to bear the responsibioity for

... 需要帮助的人 the needy,people who need help 担负责任 to bear the responsibioity for 滋生腐败 to breed corruption ...
