
  • na.punishment by hacking process
  • 网络thousand cuts and myriad pieces; A Thousand Cuts; to make mincemeat of sb



thousand cuts and myriad pieces

千_百度百科 ... 7.千村万落[ thousands of villages] 8.千刀万剐[ thousand cuts and myriad pieces] 10.千恩万谢[ many thanks] ...

A Thousand Cuts

2011年的《千刀万剐》(A Thousand Cuts)——9月4日发行21241名成员11069个主题 性质: 公开, 自由加入 可用积分:25分 …

to make mincemeat of sb

... 耕 till;plough;to till;to plow;ear 千刀万剐 to make mincemeat of sb;to hack sb to pieces 表土翻耕 surface tillage ...

death by a thousand cuts

费兹吉本在下台之后接受采访时说,他的这种「死」法,就像是被「千刀万剐」(death by a thousand cuts)一般。他说是他 …

Hacked in pieces

  皮克恨恨地说:“我必定将克洛泽千刀万剐(Hacked in pieces),荡平鸿毛,不要说别人脑子有病,脑子有病的前提是必须有个脑 …

to hack sb. to pieces

... 百年不遇 lot likely to happen once in a century 千刀万剐 to hack sb. to pieces 开门见喜 to get off to a good start ...

By a Thousand Cuts

...er from China)博客上的这篇文章题为“千刀万剐”(By a Thousand Cuts),其中提到的几个机构包括加州大学伯克莱中国研究中 …
