
  • 网络behind schedule; The train is running behind time; not on time



behind schedule

介词用法介绍 _ 上海疯狂英语 ... to the utmost 尽力 behind schedule 不准时 behind the times 过时的 ...

The train is running behind time

常用介词详解-英语学习网 ... on the spot he was completely at sea.( 不知所措) the train is running behind time.( 不准时) ...

not on time

...开发其它复杂软件系统中所观察到的通常问题,比如,“不准时not on time)”,“超出预算(over budget)”和“脆弱(brittle)…


介词和介词短语的否定意义 资料精选... ... 3. At( 不惜一切代价) 4. Behind( 不准时) 5. Between( 不得外传) ...

ago schedule

介词大全 - 广告/灌水 - 福福英语论坛 ... to the utoutstanding 尽力 ago schedule 不准时 ago the times 过时的 ...

xbehind schedule

介词用法口诀 - 英语综合学习 -... ... W3 U+ H2 f& w4 u! A to the utmost 尽力 9 X8 N6 M" m' z2 xbehind schedule 不准时 , ...

ebehind schedule

介词用法口诀 - 英语综合学习... ... ( d2 n+ ! t4 Q& Z6 E3 ebehind schedule 不准时1 ~' ]4 l1 m behind the times 过时的7 ?; ...


Flashcards about Einheit 5 Wörter ... pünktlich 准时 unpünktlich 不准时 beantworten 回答 ...
