
  • 网络a crowd of spectators; a cluster of spectators; a crowd of audience



a crowd of spectators

中文量词和英文量... ... (1)一群人 a crowd of people 一群观众 a crowd of spectators (2)一群女学生 a group of girl students ...

a cluster of spectators

六级词汇天天练 - wuyixiaozi的专栏 -... ... a cluster of flowers 一簇花 a cluster of spectators 一群观众 vi. 群集,从生 ...

a crowd of audience

“一群”的几种英语表达... ... 例如:一群男学生 a crowd of school boys 一群观众 a crowd of audience 一群妇女 a crowd of wome…

A poll of the viewing audience.

香港新... ... a poll of the viewing audience. 一群观众 A poll of the viewing audience. 一群观众 poll parrot 胡说八道的人 ...
